Bringing Reusable Cups Back to Starbucks
By now, we all know the damage single-use items can do to our ocean and the creatures that call it home. That’s why thousands of people have taken Ocean Conservancy’s pledges to reduce waste in their daily lives by skipping the straw and quitting the cutlery. With more than 11 million metric tons of plastic […]
UK’s green economy four times larger than manufacturing sector, says report
Exclusive: Analysis reveals more than 1.2 million people are currently employed in low carbon industry Green revolution brings fresh hope to north-east EnglandAbandoned pits of former mining town fuel green jobs The UK’s low carbon economy is now worth more than £200bn, four times the size of the country’s manufacturing sector, with growth expected to […]
Face masks protect against aerosolized toxins from algal blooms, study finds
Intense blooms of toxic algae are becoming common occurrences along the coast of Florida and elsewhere. Results from a new study found that wearing the face mask everyone has become accustomed to during the COVID-19 pandemic may help protect against these airborne toxins too.
PFAS: fears over lax US standards prompts bill on beauty products’ safety
Senators re-introduce bill after study finds toxic ‘forever chemicals’ are ubiquitous in common self-care products Earlier this summer, a new study found that more than half of 231 cosmetic products tested in the US and Canada contained PFAS, a group of fluorinated chemicals that can weaken immunity, disrupt child development, affect the reproductive system and […]
The Sunreef 60 E wins best electric sailboat
After tallying the votes from more than 10,000 electric boat enthusiasts and an international judging panel of e-boat experts, the second annual Gustave Trouvé Awards for Excellence in Electric Boats and Boating has announced the recipients of its 2021 honours, recognising the Sunreef 60 E as best electric sail boat. The Sunreef 60 E is […]
Decimated by famine, Florida’s manatees face an uncertain future
2021 is already the deadliest year on record for Florida manatees. Scientists and activists are scrambling to avert further disaster On a bright morning in July, a crowd gathered on a boat ramp in St Augustine, Florida, awaiting the arrival of a young male manatee named Gerard. The marshy Matanzas River gently flowed around oyster […]
What packaging is most commonly found in the oceans?

Ten plastic products account for 75% of all waste in the oceans.
Interactions with killer whales, follow the safety protocol

Since 2020, a new phenomenon has been detected in the behaviour of killer whales. They now come into contact with boaters, interacting with sailboats in particular. What attitude should we adopt and how can we protect ourselves against these interactions? Explanations with Paula Mendez Fernandez, engineer at the Pelagis Observatory.
MDL taps into circular economy with recycling contract renewal
MDL Marinas has renewed its recycling and waste disposal contract with leading waste management specialist SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. Tapping into the circular economy, MDL says the new contract enables it to increase the amount and type of waste it can recycle, from food to ferrous metals, which will then be transformed into new […]
Japan celebrates Ocean Day
Ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, Japan’s Ocean Day is being celebrated across the nation on July 22, 2021. The day marks the return of Emperor Meiji from a steamship trip to the Tohoku Region of Japan (located in the northeast of the country) in 1876. It has been declared a national […]