Troubled waters: A massive salmon farm off the coast of Maine is stalled

The summit of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in the northeastern U.S. state of Maine offers sweeping, unobstructed views of Frenchman Bay. Surrounded by islands and rocky shorelines, the bay is known throughout Maine for recreation and resources. But new projects may lie over the horizon. American Aquafarms, backed by Norwegian investors, planned to […]

Sail greener: options for more eco-friendly sails

Toby Hodges and Rupert Holmes take a look at some of the latest eco-friendly sails technology, from recycleable to recycled materials Sails are predominantly made from new plastics, chemicals and virgin fibres, but some latest developments may help address that and make eco-friendly sails a real option when you buy your next set. As consumers, […]

Could Anglesey’s tidal energy project drive a new energy revolution?

Experts say Wales has huge potential for generating renewable marine power, yet, so far, ambitious schemes have been ignored On the stunning and craggy coastline of Holy Island in north Wales, work has started on a construction project to generate energy from one of the world’s greatest untapped energy resources: tidal power. The Morlais project, […]

Waterless skincare: the beauty firms tapping into ethical cleansing

Anhydrous products are good for the planet and consumers – but will mainstream brands buy into the concept? The climate crisis is driving a new trend that will change the look of your bathroom cabinet for ever: waterless skincare. While wrapping-free, vegan toiletries have long had a place on British high streets, thanks to independent […]