Electric Yachts for 2022

A growing number of boat builders are joining the electric yacht revolution. What are some of the best eco-friendly sailboats and catamarans for 2022?
Dry toilets on boats, an alternative to black water

We all want to preserve the quality of water and the aquatic environment, but we must admit that the recovery of black water is not as generalized as it should be… The use of dry toilets is a simple and inexpensive solution to bring our principles and practices into line!
Your choice of antifoul matters to the environment, as well as your wallet

Visit a boatyard in the Spring and you’ll be greeted by the unpleasant smell of solvents. Known as VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), solvents are essential to the application and curing of traditional antifoul paints, many of which contain up to 45% VOCs. These solvents pose a fundamental problem – they’re major contributors to climate change. […]
The Pros, Cons, and Future of Electric Yachts and Sailboats

Are you looking to repower an old sailboat or purchase a new electric sailboat? Learn about the latest trends and companies shaping the electric yacht revolution.
Best Yacht Charter and Boat Share Companies for Sustainable Sailing

Looking for the best yacht charter, boat share, or boat rental company that has eco options? What is the size and growth potential of the green yacht charter market? Check out the latest on eco yacht charters.
The Sail Greener Guide to Toxic Products and Health

Hazardous chemicals and compounds are used to build and maintain sailboats. Learn how you can use non-toxic alternatives to reduce your exposure to toxic substances and risks to your health and the health of the environment.